Tuesday, 11 February 2014


Hi...my name is Andrew...and Im addicted to games.

I assist in running a small store in Durban, South Africa where we game. I mean, obviously we sell some stuff to pay the rent, but mostly we just game.

I have always been a gamer at heart, from my first booster of Magic the Gathering cracked in 1994, to devouring Will Wheatons Tabletop videos on Youtube. Since we opened the store (The Unseen Shoppe for those interested in a shameless plug) I have really been overwhelmed in the depth of gaming around that even I, a die hard die roller, hadn't been a part of.

So what do you do when you get involved in aspects of gaming in a city known more for rugby than role playing? Share it!

Id like to use this space to share what gaming goodness I am up to. Its going to be varied, unfocused, and probably poorly written but if one person who reads this gives a game a try that they have not played before then Ill consider it worth it.

So, if youre into TCGs, boardgames, tabletop games, or whatever, and have a few minutes to kill, hopefully you will find my updates interesting.

May the dice gods smile on your next character generation!


  1. Awesome Andrew, well done! My hope is that the more we share and talk about our geeky hobbies, gaming included, the more we can grow the community in Durban. Hmm, which makes me think, I haven't actually done a gaming specific post for my blog http://helgathegeek.co.za/. Must get to it. Keep it up guy! :)

    1. Thanks Helga, I really do think Durban has lots going for it gaming wise. We just need to spread the word.

  2. Yayness! A blog about gaming in Durban? My life is complete.
